- ago
My paper account with Alpaca is working well and up 1.6% today. I have a couple questions:
1. This morning before the market opened, I had Strategy Monitor all set up for the day and then I left the house for an hour. When I came back all the lines in Strategy Monitor were in red font and nothing happened. I restarted WL and re-entered the Strategy Monitor info and all went well for the day. Do I need restart WL before I use it and before the market opens?
2. When I use Strategy Monitor and use Alpaca, I can't stream with their API and so use IQFeed. Should we be able to Stream using the Alpaca API?
3. I also use the Dummy Broker, but I can never use the Green button, it is always greyed out. Is something not set?
4. When I use Dummy Broker, I use the accounts 1, 2, and 3. But nothing is shown at the end of the day. It's like nothing was bought or sold. How do I activate to display stocks bought?
2 Replies



- ago
Can we Stream data with the Alpaca API?
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Alpaca streaming is an option, sure. You can select the preferred streaming provider in all the tools - Chart, S. Monitor, or Quotes.

As for the red in the S. Monitor that you weren't monitoring, there's just not enough data to comment. No pictures, no setup, no Log Viewer data, etc.

In other posts, you've been having trouble keeping a steady connection even with IQFeed. This seems like the problem to fix first. A disconnect should occur rarely. I recommend that you restart Wealth-Lab and refresh your streaming connections before every market session.


