- ago
Exit-Limit order are cancelled by default if not filled. This is not useful. It is required to have Full access and control of exit limit orders and be able to modify them.
1. How to access and re-submit cancelled exit-limit order ?
2. How to access and re-submit exit-limit order ?
Please provide solution code.

2 Replies



 ( 5.60% )
- ago
Please share your strategy. Exit orders are only canceled if your strategy is telling them to cancel.
- ago
Exit-Limit orders are cancelled by default if not filled.

There really needs to be more clarification here. Normally an order is good for one bar. If it's not filled by the simulation, then it will try again with a new sell signal on the next bar. This is normal behavior.

Now if you're saying the simulation is getting out of synch with your real portfolio such that the simulation sold the position but live trading didn't, that a whole different problem. In that case, you should manually synch your portfolio to the WL simulation. You need to make manual adjustments as needed to keep both simulation and portfolio in synch. Remember, WL knows nothing about your real world portfolio on the broker's side. If you find this a problem, then you need to vote for this feature request. https://www.wealth-lab.com/Discussion/Access-Accounts-data-from-broker-programmatically-7914

At any rate, we can't help unless we see some code. There are also many sample strategies available you can use to get started.


