- ago
How about a build cycle that puts the polish back on the interface and tools by fixing all the little things:

1. Vertical scrolling behavior
2. drag and drop data into fields behavior
3. Tool tip accuracy
4. Dialog boxes remember last settings/defaults
5. Small website improvements
6. ...etc.
4 Replies



 ( 4.95% )
- ago
This isn't a useful Feature Request.

I spend several hours a day improving little things here and there.

1) What is actually wrong with scrolling behavior?
2) What is wrong with the drag and drop of fields? I assume you mean the ASCII Wizard? You drop a field and it gets inserted BELOW the field you drop it into.
3) What tooltips are not accurate?
4) Which dialog boxes have you encountered that don't remember their settings?
5) In the past few weeks we've added MANY small web site improvements. Some bigger ones are the ability to attach PDF documents and auto-link to post numbers.
6) I guess we're supposed to be mind readers now too?

It's quite frustrating while putting in so much effort already to read a comment like this.
- ago
I am verbose some times, so I try to write less instead of more.
I was going to say at the start of this message that the Wealth-lab build team are prolific in building new features.... but how about....

So on the contrary, I am impressed by the speed of development and new features. Part of the reason I purchased the software.

On your point #6, I never really wanted to document these due to time constraints, (and the community would get annoyed with my feature request posts) but was thinking that devs generally know about the small items (hence my etc). And indeed you have indicated that effort is already put into these items.

Given this feature request is not helpful please delete/reject.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
Your request is implying that there are some inaccurate things. Let's take tooltips as an example. Rather than our team take a whole inventory of ALL tooltips, it would save a great deal of time and be helpful if you could call out the ones you noticed that aren't accurate.
- ago
@just, for your reference. A valid feature request or bug report should cover a single feature/area and be detailed enough, if not motivating. Packing unrelated things together is messy and can be unproductive and even frustrating for the team members. In general, on our board we prefer when different questions are asked in different topics. But I appreciate that you view all the little things in a sensible light and qualify your request as not helpful. If you come up with detailed answers to Glitch's questions I'll take the trouble and split up the conversation in separate topics/requests to be manageable, if necessary.


