- ago
I receive this Formula Scorecard error with each backtest:

"Formula Scorecard:(12,4); error CS0103: The Name "NumTradingDays" does not exist in the current context."

However, when I look within the Preferences for Metrics, this name does not appear.

I would like to correct this problem.
9 Replies



- ago
Attention @DrKoch.
- ago
Where exactly do you see this error message?
* Tools->Log Viewer?
* Status Bar?

I just did a fresh install of WL8 build 50 and finantic.ScoreCard build 1.

... and can't see this error.

Some Background Information:

The metric "NumTradingDays" is calculated by the "Elements" Scorecard. You should see this in Backtest Results->Metrics Report if you choose "Elements" in the "Select ScoreCard:" combobox after a backtest:

This metric is used by various other calculated metrics of the "Formula Scorecard":
* WinPctRet - Win % (Returns)
* CpcIndexRet - CPC Index (Returns)
* EntriesPerDay (#Entries / Day)

See here for example the fomula behind "# Entries / Day":

Scorecards calculate their metrics with a lazy semantics, i.e. a metric is calculated only when needed.

This means you should see the error message mentioned above only if:
1. something is wrong with the Elements ScoreCard and their "NumTradingDays" metric. (Please check)
2a. You have added one (or more) of the calculated metrics to the Favourites Scorecard
-- or --
2b. You have selected Elements or Formula Scorecard in Metrics-Report->Select ScoreCard (see next post)

Please report your findings...
- ago
If Formula Scorecard is selected it looks like this:
- ago
That's interesting, but, "Elements" is not a scorecard option that I have on my end.
I do have the others though, such as "Formula Scorecard", as shown immediately above this reply.
- ago
> not a scorecard option that I have on my end

That is very strange.
Could you try a fresh reinstall:
1. close Wealth-Lab
2. Rename the folder C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8 to something like
C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8-safe

3. Reinstall WL8 and finantic.Scorecard. (Choose the "Repair" option in the installer)

Please see if the Elements Scorecard is available now...

To go back to your original installation:
1. close Wealth-lab
2. Remove C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8
3. Rename C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8-safe to C:\Program Files\Quantacula, LLC\WealthLab 8
- ago
The Select Scorecard combobox with finantic.ScoreCards installed should look like this:

- ago
Defiantly there is not an "Elements" option available in my list.
I'll attempt your recommended steps of correction today, thank you.
- ago
I have not yet run a fresh reinstall to correct this problem, out of fear I will lose my strategies or something catastrophic like that.

I can tell you though, that this problem exists on two (2) separate computers on which I am running WL8
- ago
Please check the file finantic.Common.dll in WL's installation folder. It should have file version 8.0.1 ( see right click->Properties)
If the file is missing or the file version is different please install finantic.ScoreCard again.


