- ago
First of all, there are many problems with auto-save function. E.g. sometimes the link between Save button state and changes checker state is corrupt: Save button is grayed out, but the Unsaved changes dialog pops up.

But more annoying is when you make changes but the Unsaved changes dialog will not appear, so you lose all your work.

I will provide step-by-step repro actions in this ticket, so you can check on your side.

Auto-save not working:
1. open any C# code strategy and make a change in the code
2. run Optimizer on any parameter
3. right-click any result row or the Optimizer -> Run a backtest with these parameter values
4. close the Strategy -> changes in p.1 are lost
3 Replies



- ago
Yes, I confirm it loses unsaved changes either for Auto Save or for the Save button state. However, by running the saved strategy copy by the right-click action ("Run with...") you intentionally overwrite your changes so I do not think it's a bug.
- ago
I'm sorry, I don't really understand. When I click action "Run with ..." why I overwrite changes? I don't really want that.

What I expect from this action is that it runs my current code (with changes) with the specified parameter values. It works some other way?

I also can see that after the steps 1-3, the Save button is activated, so WL "thinks" there are changes.

Thank you
- ago
When I click action "Run with ..." why I overwrite changes? I don't really want that.

Then don't do that. You invoke a compiled strategy instance over your working copy. It's likely that Wealth-Lab should display a warning dialog but this is up to @Glitch.


