- ago
I have four C# strategies running in a Workspace the need to all update as I step through the symbols in a database. I don't see a lock button as in WLD so that they are on the same symbol

This code compiles and runs, but I don't see the parameter like WLD
Parameter pTest = AddParameter("Test", ParameterTypes.Double, 0, 100, 1);

Filter Pre/Post doesn't check in C# strategies, works in basic chart.
C# charts don't allow setting the timeframe like basic charts. Strategies need to work only from normal timeframes.

Workspace saves the timeframe for multiple charts, but not for C# Strategies. The Workspace needs to save the timeframes and parameters for each individual C# strategy instance as does WLD. My Worksheets have four instances of the same Strategies set to different Timeframes

Strategy Settings doesn't save the "Single Setting" setting.

I need to set the Pane height for each pane. Space is valuable and some indicators are more important that other or require more/less room.

It would help if Discussions would allow searching questions by username so that people could find their requests and look for answers.

I've made good progress converting a lot of code from WLD to WL7 and wanted to group my questions to limit the number of requests. WL7 is a beautiful program however the new syntax is a challenge.
1 Replies



- ago
I'm sorry but putting unrelated questions in one topic sort of defeats the purpose of making the Discussions a live knowledge base usable by the others as a self-help tool. Could you group them logically and start new topics, if answers can't be found by searching? Thank you.


