- ago
Glassnode offers basic and pro API for onchain data. Can this be integrated?
On chain data could be big value in developing crypto trading strategies and indicators

5 Replies



- ago
How do you imagine this integration?
- ago
Hi! firstly are you Glitch?
thank you for buliding this awesome product!

Im a true "noob" when it comes to the technicals and completely self taught. Was trying to piece together a solution with python prior to getting WL so I can appreciate the work put into this. if im totally lost or unrealistic regarding whats useful or possible, ill have to learn that too.

the integrations Im thinking would use some of the crypto on chain data streams as inputs for indicators in addition to traditional market data and then hopefully strategies eg:
"fear and greed index" for sentiment
"hodl waves
Mean Hash Rate
Number of Active Addresses (7d EMA)
Purpose Bitcoin ETF Flows
Derivatives and exchange flow data
- ago
I'm not Glitch but as a team member I do appreciate that you like our product! Also thanks for clarifying the potential scope of on-chain data. "Integrate" sounded dubious at first because this kind of data doesn't fit the model. But implementing it as a C# Strategy or as an indicator makes sense to me in the context of your feature request.
- ago
Awesome. thank you for considering this,
- ago
I see this request hanging for 8 months without a single thumbs up. Evidently it's way too specific to spark any community interest. Let's remove the #FR tag and kindly suggest topic starter to consider our new Concierge Support Service to have this integration (indicator or strategy) developed as a special extension:

WealthLab Concierge Support Service


