Hello. I would want to look at any brokeradapter example code to understand some nuances. I see documentation but there is lack of details and i still have many questions. For example i can't understand how to provide market data stream from broker. So first question: is there any broker adapter example project to download?
At the moment there's no broker API example, thanks for pointing this out.
With regard to connecting to a streaming data source provided by your broker please refer to this API:
Streaming Data Provider API
(It doesn't really matter whether the feed comes from a broker or not.)
At the moment there's no broker API example, thanks for pointing this out.
With regard to connecting to a streaming data source provided by your broker please refer to this API:
Streaming Data Provider API
(It doesn't really matter whether the feed comes from a broker or not.)
I.e. my library need implement 2 class: one as BrokerBase successor and one as StreamingProviderBase, right?
Yes, that's right.
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