- ago
Hello Community,

I am currently in the initial stages of implementing an integration into WealthLab, where I am primarily experimenting with the API to get a feel for it. My approach is as follows. A customer using my extension should be able to log in and out via an extension menu. I have already managed to implement DataProviderBase and StreamingProviderBase because initially, I only want to create an intraday chart. However, these providers should not be created or displayed at the start of WealthLab. Instead, they should appear after a successful login, as I want to create a customizable DataProvider with different catalogs. I am looking for a dynamic refresh mechanism.

Kind regards
3 Replies



- ago
Hi Mike,

Data providers will get initialized when Wealth-Lab starts, that's outside of your control as developer. What you should do instead if you need them to post various updates to its DataSet composition (for example) is to call the EventRouter. For example:

- ago
As to the successful login concept, you should expose a login/password/API key (or whatever) set of fields in the Data Manager for your data provider to appear in "Data Provider-Specific Settings". Override the IsConfigured property to make a check for the required parameters' validity prior to letting use the provider.
- ago
thank you,

unfortunatley the eventrouter is not documented.
so what context is "this" and what event typer are there available and what are they doing?
i read the articles, you linked here, did a full text search about the "eventrouter" on discussion board, looked in your github example, even did a full-text search thru the installation folder to get any hint about it, but there is nothing.
there are only some code snippet like "EventRouter.FireEvent("DataSetProviderReloaded", this);" but no further context.


PS: I resolved the problem.
i have set the ishidden flag to true within initialize if user is not logged in.
i found out if it is once set the eventrouter wont display the dataset in the tree, even if i disable the flag again and trigger the event again.
so for now i just have an empty dataset in the node which is populated after the login succeeded and the catalogs are updated in the dataset.
i implemented an update method executing the eventrouter event on the implemented type of DataSetProviderBase


