Good evening
Can someone tell me how I can display with a German Indiezies in the chart? What are the symbols for DAX, MDAX, SDAX, TechDAX?
Greetings Didi
Can someone tell me how I can display with a German Indiezies in the chart? What are the symbols for DAX, MDAX, SDAX, TechDAX?
Greetings Didi
The dynamically updated DAX and MDAX indices can be found under "WealthData" in the DataSets tree on the left. (Other *DAX indices aren't supported). This means that once a symbol enters an index, the backtester will use it; once it's out it won't be included. Backtests on these DataSets benefit from being survivorship bias free which is pretty unique. Our WealthData feed tracks ongoing changes to DAX/MDAX and maintains an extensive history of them since the 1990s.
The dynamically updated DAX and MDAX indices can be found under "WealthData" in the DataSets tree on the left. (Other *DAX indices aren't supported). This means that once a symbol enters an index, the backtester will use it; once it's out it won't be included. Backtests on these DataSets benefit from being survivorship bias free which is pretty unique. Our WealthData feed tracks ongoing changes to DAX/MDAX and maintains an extensive history of them since the 1990s.
Thank you very much, but that's not what I mean... my question was which symbol can I use to view the price development of the DAX, MDAX etc. in the chart? I don't mean the stocks in the index, but the index itself.
They can be found in Yahoo's data as ^GDAXI, ^MDAXI, ^SDAXI and ^TECDAX.
Make sure that Yahoo provider is enabled (checked) in the Data Manager > Historical Providers tab for WL to recognize the symbols when you make an on demand update or chart them.
Make sure that Yahoo provider is enabled (checked) in the Data Manager > Historical Providers tab for WL to recognize the symbols when you make an on demand update or chart them.
thank you best Eugen
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