- ago
Ok, I am a newbie, but I found the link about Schwab connection at https://www.wealth-lab.com/extension/detail/Schwab

I think I set up everything on the Schwab developer side correctly, and after several days, my dashboard on that does show "Ready for use"

Is there any screen shot documentation on setting up the Schwab connection details that shows the steps, etc. I got some errors when I tried to authenicate with Schwab that said "Invalid login ID or password" I was using my Schwab login and password, not my account login and password. Any suggestions?
2 Replies



- ago
Log into the Schwab Developer Portal because you're going to need two pieces of information from the portal: https://developer.schwab.com
Once there, go to the Dashboard.
Go to your app and click view details (over on the right)
At the bottom you'll see the App Key and Secret. You need those for WL.

Now, go to WL and click Data Manager button at the top. Pick the Historical Providers tab. Pick the Schwab entry in the provider list, and make sure it is checked. On the right you'll see the Data Provider-Specific settings.

Copy the App key and Secret key from Schwab developer portal into the corresponding fields in WL in the Data Provider-Specific settings.

In WL, in the Data Provider-Specific settings click "Log into Schwab/Obatin Refresh Token" button.

When prompted you need to enter the username and password credentials that you would use to login to your Schwab account at the Schwab website https://schwab.com, not the developer portal. In WL, follow the prompts and make sure you check the checkbox somewhere along the way.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks so much!! It works, I was using my email with that account, rather than the login ID.


