- ago
This new building block is for non-coder power users or for quick prototyping of a trading strategy.

It is a "Condition" building block that combines several of the available conditions like
* Bars since Entry/Exit
* Price Compare to Entry Bar
* Trading Days in Trade
but is more versatile, allows for more conditions and unlimited combinations of these conditions. It works as follows:

The Condition building block accepts an expression like "High - EntryPrice < 0.6".
Possible elements in such an expression are:
Current Prices
Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Average, etc...
Past end Future Prices
Close[-1], Close[-2], etc...
Properties of LastOpenPosition
DaysInPosition, EntryPrice, BarsHeld, etc...
5 Replies



- ago
The new condition building block could use a technique similar to the EvalOpt indicator to make things optimizable.

An expession like
High * (2.0 - BarsHeld/100) > EntryPrice * 1.05

could be made optizable by introducing these magic patterns:
High * ({f1} - BarsHeld/100) > EntryPrice * {f2}
like the EvalOpt indicator does it.
- ago
After rereading mdosey's request in this post:
I came to the conclusion that he needs a building block
"GenericBuyAtLimit", where the limit price comes from an expression as described above.

So this #FeatureRequest is about a family of new building blocks that accept arbitrary expressions containig prices and properties of LastOpenPosition.
 ( 5.94% )
- ago
What about adding that building block to your finantic.Eval extension?
Not as an indicator, but another module that adds the block.
- ago
Thank you both for considering the request, I appreciate your time. It's a bit unfortunate if it would need to be handled at the building block level, rather than at the Indicator level like EvalOpt. Ideally I would like to be able to reference things like BarsHeld from inside the EvalOpt string, so that I can combine it with other ways that I am already using EvalOpt.

Since EvalOpt already supports insertion/replacement using special strings like {i1} and {f1}, it would feel intuitive to also allow insertion of something like {BarsHeld} into the string. But I understand that there are limitations behind the scenes with the way indicators and time series are handled.
- ago
This #FeatureRequest is implemented/realized with build 5 of finantic.Eval extension.



