Can I add APR from Metrics Report to the status on bottom of Run Backtest result screen (where you see Backtest Complete Profit and Benchmark Profit).
Here is the screen I would want this to show up on.

Thank you,
Here is the screen I would want this to show up on.
Thank you,
If I click on the ##.#% profit number in the status bar, it turns into a % APR number. Is that not working for you?
That works for me!
That works for me!
Is it possible to add APR in the status bar? (for both the strategy and the benchmark).
Knowing the Total Profit of the strategy is important but when you do a lot of backtestings and change the period the APR is easier for a quick comparison.
Instead of having an extra click to the 'Metrics report'.
The info is available and the space is there.

Knowing the Total Profit of the strategy is important but when you do a lot of backtestings and change the period the APR is easier for a quick comparison.
Instead of having an extra click to the 'Metrics report'.
The info is available and the space is there.
Amazing, this was just asked 10 days ago. I've merged your topic with this one. Check answer in Post #1.
A coincident. A search an APR could have brought me to this topic...
But maybe it also says that a lot of users don't even know this trick.
How can you know?
And why not just put it beside the profit amount? There is enough space left.
But maybe it also says that a lot of users don't even know this trick.
How can you know?
And why not just put it beside the profit amount? There is enough space left.
And why not just put it beside the profit amount?
Well, I wouldn't put too much redundant clutter in the status bar.
WL6 did have a feature that let you place a custom message string in the status bar. And I did use that for publishing certain alerts. One could certainly use the BackTest Complete {...} block in WL8 for publishing custom Performance Visualizer stats (as strings). I could write a local library call and place it in BackTest Complete to have my own custom status bar. It's an interesting idea.
You can also do the same thing with DrawText. I wonder if DrawText is honored in Backtest Complete?
And why not just put it beside the profit amount? There is enough space left.
Oh yes, first you hear "enough space left" and later realize what can of worms it's opened. ;) @superticker makes a good point so check this out:
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