- ago
I'm a legacy Fidelity WLPro6 user that established a WLDev6 license in July 2020. The WL7 website says I have a 90 day free trial remaining (after login). But when I try to authenticate with the WL7 application, it say it can't find a license for me on WL.com. It's does, however, grant me a 14 day free trial period.

So how do I fix this? And when the WL7 app does find a license for me, will I be able to use all the premium extensions (like IQFeed) through July 2021?
6 Replies



- ago
Customers who purchased a 6.9 license in the past year can subscribe for a free trial to use Wealth-Lab 7 without charge until their anniversary date. At that time, continue with Wealth-Lab 7 by paying the subscription and you'll also be able to use 6.9.
- ago
I already know about using WL7 until the anniversary date. The problem is the WL.com website doesn't know that. It says there's no license for me. Will this be corrected before the 14 day trial is up?
- ago
But you haven't subscribed to WL7 yet. That's why there's no license. Navigate to the "Software" menu to discover your personalized offer and then Subscribe.
- ago
I've went to that software page, but there's no [Subscribe] button. As mentioned in Post #1, it does say I have 90 days left. Does that mean I'm already "subscribed".

If so, then why does WL7 say it can't find a license for me on WL.com? If not, then where is this phantom [Subscribe] button? Could this button be something that runs off the Firefox screen like the [Create] button did (until it was fixed).

I can post a screenshot of that software page on the WL6 website if you think the [Subscribe] button is running off my Firefox screen. Would this help?

There is a [Buy Now] button and [Download] button that I can see, but no [Subscribe] button.
- ago
Sorry for the confusion. "Buy now" is the Subscribe button. Pick your poison.
- ago
I got it. The trial only runs to June 8 (90 days), and not to the anniversary date of July 30 when my WLD6 license started. But I'm in the right place now.


