- ago
Good night.
I am using third party data providers to provide me with NYSE sentiment data. I know that Wealth Data has sentiment data, but even though I would like to use it, I am not able to find the NYSE 52-week new high and NYSE 52-week new low indicators.
I know the symbols $ NYSE_NEWHI & $ NYSE_NEWLO but the Wealth Data data in these symbols are very different from other providers in terms of new highs and lows of 52 weeks, so I understand that they do not correspond to this .
Does Wealth Data have data on new NYSE 52-week new highs and lows? If so, what is the ticker?
1 Replies



- ago
After Unicorn Research had stopped their great free service, W-D picked up as the source of market sentiment symbols. And if you take a look at the Weekly chart of any of them you will find it has a consistent look over time.

Here are the market sentiment symbols available in Wealth-Data. There is nothing else:

$AMEX_ADVN (AMEX Advancing Issues + Advancing Volume)
$AMEX_DECLN (AMEX Declining Issues + Declining Volume)
$AMEX_UNCHN (AMEX Unchanged Issues)
$NASDAQ_ADVN (NASDAQ Advancing Issues + Advancing Volume)
$NASDAQ_DECLN (NASDAQ Declining Issues + Declining Volume)
$NASDAQ_UNCHN (NASDAQ Unchanged Issues)
$NYSE_ADVN (NYSE Advancing Issues + Advancing Volume)
$NYSE_DECLN (NYSE Declining Issues + Declining Volume)
$NYSE_UNCHN (NYSE Unchanged Issues)

We were asked this question before, please see response in Post #19 here:
Best Answer


