- ago
Summary: It would be very useful as well as time-saving to have preset periods to instantly adjust the Equity Curve display with one click.

To illustrate the concept here's a screenshot from IB's website of account equity:

Similar implementations can be seen in many charting websites as well.

IF implemented, it could be done in one of two ways:
(A) Fixed preset (plus atleast 1 Custom) periods: e.g. 1M (month), 3M, 1Y (year), YTD (year-to-date), Custom.
(B) Custom presets: It might actually be better to have all periods as Custom; reason: one strategy may be backtesting over 6 months while another over 20 years so using fixed presets may not be desirable in all situations. If Custom periods are implemented I imagine the settings will be stored inside each strategy's file.

Additional points:
- Suggested number of presets: 5-6
- A preset period cannot exceed the Equity Curve's default period i.e. Minimum(preset, Eq Curve period) so choosing an excessive value will not stretch the Eq Curve beyond its max
- These preset periods will be in addition to, and not a replacement for, Click-and-Drag functionality
- It would be awesome if preset periods could also be made available for the Drawdown Curve
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