- ago
I have had issues with disconnections from brokers, including IB and Tradier when running streaming or intraday strategies. I have been unable to run a streaming strategy for a full trading day without disconnecting from these brokers several times a day. The strategies stop running and to reconnect I usually need to restart WL. It appears I need an Internet upgrade, which I am working on.

However, when Medved Trader supplied a beta release to resolve the issue with their driver, my disconnects to their service stopped happening. Then I thought I should try running streaming strategies, which run in a Streaming Chart, using Medved / Fidelity as the streaming provider. I was able to run the streaming strategy for the entire market day without a disconnect. And that was before the newly released version 6 of the Medved extension from WL.

it made me wonder whether the disconnect / reconnect issue could be resolved for additional brokers or globally on the WL side. I am pursuing an upgrade of my Internet provider that might prevent disconnects from happening. However, there will be times, e.g., when travelling, that an ideal quality Internet connection is not available.

Is there something that can be done to core WL or the other broker extensions to harden this connection or recovery?
6 Replies



- ago
It sounds like a hardware problem with your Internet somewhere. I seriously doubt the problem is upstream; otherwise, 100s of Internet customers would be calling and complaining about their ISP service.

My "guess" is that it's somewhere in your house wiring. It could even be a bad network adapter in your computer or a failing local router. Did you have your ISP service provider come out with their network analyzer to locate exactly where the dropped packets are occurring? If so, what did he say? Simply switching ISP providers isn't going to fix a local hardware problem.

You're asking the WL developers to find a software fix for a hardware problem. Good luck with that.
- ago
HI superticker. I am using 5G T-Mobile home Internet network. It's very fast, but unfortunately, I've learned that overall 5G quality is not great at my physical location. The Internet could possibly be dropping off and reconnecting. My designated 5G tower is reportedly undergoing an upgrade at this time.

Although a solid Internet connection is always desirable, it is not always available everywhere, or all the time. WL does not always recover gracefully from broker disconnects, often requiring a WL (not just strategy) restart. My recent experience shared above provides some supporting evidence that targeted software improvements could possibly mitigate these issues, particularly for strategies that run streaming.
- ago
You are telling us that real-time data streaming is not always possible with your current setup. Moreover, that you are fighting impossible odds with data-streaming quotas imposed by all the brokers. WL can't force the brokers to change their quota streaming policies, so a software solution is not likely here.

I suggest you go with a redundant hardware solution to solve your problem. The higher end local routers allow multiple WAN input sources. I suggest you subscribe to two separate Internet (WAN=Wide Area Network) providers so when one fails you have automatic fall over to the other. I would recommend a wired provider and a non-wired 5G provider together.

My own router allows WAN input through a USB port, and you can get a 5G dongle that will plug into that port. For the wired provider, you can use one of your RJ-45 WAN ports.

I would also recommend getting a special auxiliary antenna for your T-Mobile setup so you have a more reliable microwave connection. The bigger the antenna the better and in your case, I would use a directional microwave antenna to maximize its capture range. You'll need to ask T-Mobile what 5G frequency bands are being used in your area to spec out that antenna. Pick out the frequency band that's the strongest for spec'ing your microwave antenna.

You cannot employ a software solution to fix a hardware problem or limitation. You need to fix (or improve) the hardware side of this problem; otherwise, you are fighting impossible odds. Happy engineering to you.
- ago
Our above discussion is assuming the 5G signal strength is the problem. But we don't know that for sure. It could also be a QoS (Quality of Service) issue instead. So unlike wired TCP/IP packets that go over wired connections, 5G packets can prioritize their packet delivery. This is a plus for you, but only if you are choosing to pay more for the higher priority or QoS. I would talk to T-Mobile to see if you can get your QoS bumped up for a price. Emphasize that your application requires real-time data streaming.

There are also new 25+ GHz bands for 5G that would be much better for you. But their transmitter must be within about 2 blocks of where you are to use them. You could ask T-Mobile if it would be possible to install one of these transmitters in your area.

Of course, there's always terrestrial beaming of the signal to your specific location. But we are talking about thousands of dollars in hardware for that. If you have a neighbor with a good Internet connection, you could beam his WiFi signal to your place with a Pringles antenna. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-make-a-wifi-antenna-out-of-a-pringles-can-nb/
- ago
All good hardware / signal improvement / redundancy suggestions. These could work for a fixed location but won't help when I travel. Maybe I should look into a cloud hosting for WL. Any experience with that?
- ago
look into a cloud hosting for WL. Any experience with that?

No. I would search the forum for the best cloud hosting services. A few won't work with WL's licensing service, so you'll want to avoid those. A cloud service would indeed have good connectivity, so your real-time data-streaming problem would be solved.


