You don't have permission to download this Extension
Author: beris520
Creation Date: 7/3/2019 5:37 PM
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Hi all,

Have full access to Wealth-Lab PRO by Fidelity.
Trying to download the community indicators extension through this website (as instructed by Fidelity), but this website is telling me "You don´t have permission to download this Extension".

*goal: would like to use Ichimoku indicators that are not included in the Wealth Lab (only few WL indicatotrs and some Tasc indicators are there.

Thank you in advance
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just to add: wealth-lab pro newest version, just downloaded, full access granted, but in "indicators" has only TASC indicators to update. Trying to add the Community Indicator Extension by Eugene (that is freeware also), but system/the website is not letting me (have no permission).

Thanks for your help
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Hi Beris,

Welcome to the forum. It's a good idea to try search the forum before posting. Take the "permission" keyword in your error message for example. If you start typing in the first few letters of the word "permission" in the search box you'll get these results as you type:

Follow my suggestions and let's get your WLP entitlement verified in private before you're able to download from our website. Thanks.
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