Show my posts and responses only
Author: mtowle
Creation Date: 12/6/2017 6:37 PM
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Is there anyway to filter posts to see only posts where others have started them and I have responded?
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Yes. Click on your username to get to this page:

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Ok I knew about the profile and the Started Forum Topics section. The section below it (Latest forum posts) shows where I have posted it but it does not explain if it shows the last x number of posts that I have created or if it shows all posts where I have responded to other's topics. Can you please clarify what that does. Thanks.
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but it does not explain if it shows the last x number of posts that I have created or if it shows all posts where I have responded to other's topics.

The widgets show the last 10 topics you started and the last 10 topics where you replied (regardless of who was their topic starter), respectively.
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