FOMC meeting as a signal (Fed)
Author: Stoik011
Creation Date: 6/20/2013 3:41 AM
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the idea is to use FOMS meeting dates as a signal to buy or sell. Could you please help me to write it using WL script. I understand that I need to use some fundamental data provider, but I`ve not found how can do it. Is it possible to do with free data provider?
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Hi Roman,

You haven't searched hard enough. :) Last month I created a strategy that trades on FOMC meeting dates:

Trade on Fed Announcement Dates
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Eugene, U are right, I`ve searched forum only for "FOMC" and found nothing.
Anyway, the strategy is a masterpiece and that exactly what I looked for.
Thanks for the quick help
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Roman, you are far too kind.

Stumbled onto this thread and decided to post an update. For a long time it's been possible to download the FOMC strategy by clicking "Download" in Wealth-Lab's "Open Strategy" dialog:

FOMC Meetings (Rev.D)
FOMC Meetings - Variable entry & exit dates (Rev.C)
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Another breaking change at the FRED website broke previous versions of the strategy if executed with a parameter slider set to "FRED" mode.

The Strategy "FOMC Meetings" has been upgraded to "Revision E". Grab it by clicking "Download" in Wealth-Lab's "Open Strategy" dialog.

FOMC Meetings (Rev.E)
FOMC Meetings - Variable entry & exit dates (Rev.E)
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Breaking change at the FRED website: forced pagination. Update to "Rev.F" to keep using the strategy in "FRED" mode.

The Strategy "FOMC Meetings" has been upgraded to "Revision F". Grab it by clicking "Download" in Wealth-Lab's "Open Strategy" dialog.

FOMC Meetings (Rev.F)
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Fixed bug in "Rev.F" (missing data for the 1990s):

The Strategy "FOMC Meetings" has been upgraded to "Revision G". Grab it by clicking "Download" in Wealth-Lab's "Open Strategy" dialog.

FOMC Meetings (Rev.G)
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