Author: novendeh
Creation Date: 4/16/2009 9:12 PM
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Can I bookmark with current site WL-5 items? If so, how? Thanks.
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Topic Options >> Bookmark this Topic
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Thanks - I knew there was an easy way, but couldn't find it.
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Instead of
Topic Options >> Bookmark this Topic
why not simply a Bookmark this Topic button?

I knew there was an easy way, but couldn't find it.
This would be more intuitive, just like a bookmarked topic, each of which has its own Delete button, which is easy to find.

Even if there were more than one Topic options (I've never seen one), it too could have its own button.
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why not simply a Bookmark this Topic button?

For there are more than one Topic options (site admins see them).
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there are more than one Topic options (site admins see them)
So give the users a "Bookmark" button, and use the feature that provides a different set of options to site admins to give them a menu instead of the button.

As it is, users do not see an immediate clear path to bookmarking a page. Hence the questions.
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