bug in Compressed price series alignment in 5.4?
Author: laketrader
Creation Date: 7/17/2009 11:44 PM
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I am new to WLP5.4 I am reading the article from the following link:

I tried the script on RIMM with Fidelity 1-min source. The data range was from 7/1/2009 to 7/17/2009.

The daily high for 7/15/2009 was 70.41.
The daily high for 7/16/2009 was 72.49.
The daily high for 7/17/2009 was 72.86.

But from the chart, option1 (black line) was missing for the price level 72.49.

What is the reason for that?



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I think that the correct one should be as below. Can somebody comment on this?

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I'll take a look at it later, but while 5.4 fixed several synch bugs, it introduced others primarily related to intraday series synchronization. Next week, I'll provide a summary of those bugs that will be fixed in September's 5.5 release.
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