Trough/Peak and TroughBar/PeakBar indicators generate exception on deleting
Author: Darrell__
Creation Date: 10/27/2017 12:44 AM
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1) Describe the problem in detail. What error are you getting, precisely?

Wealth-Lab will generate an "Unhandled Exeception" error (attached) when displaying or when deleting the TroughBar indicator. Error usually occurs when you try to delete the indicator. Although the error doesn't occur every time, but it will occur every two or three tries. For example, try entering the indicator, deleting it, then reenter it.

Note. Getting the same error when using Peak, PeakBar, Trough, and TroughBar indicators (same data file as #6 below).

2) Indicator Settings?

Close; 0.10; Percent

Note. Setting the reversal amount to less than 1 appears to be causing issue.

3) Wealth-Lab tool in use (Chart, Strategy Window, Strategy Monitor, Strategy Ranking etc.)

New Chart Window with no strategies selected.

4) Strategy or sample code used. Again, we ask that you provide an "as-small-as-possible" script that demonstrates the anomaly.

N/A. No strategies or other code is being used.

5) Single symbol or Multi-symbol mode, Position Sizing, Bar Scale and Data Loading settings.

Single symbol mode; 5 minute scale; All Data; Position Size $100,000 (RP).

6) Symbol(s) and Data provider

"@AD-5-Min.txt"; ASCII file. Although this is an "ascii" text file and not a Fidelity Data file, I have been using this same data file to test many other indicators.


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Darrell, thanks for the detailed problem report. I can reproduce the error using data and settings provided only having added two related indicators together (e.g. Peak and PeakBar) and then trying to delete one. It does not occur to me when displaying them, switching symbols etc. Given that it's part of Standard Indicators my troubleshooting suggestion would be to avoid such scenario i.e. do not delete a Peak/Trough[Bar] indicator if you've added a pair (or more than one).
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