Scroll chart Left/Right via keyboard?
Author: jheffez
Creation Date: 7/23/2017 7:42 AM
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Using the mouse to move/page the chart left and rights is cumbersome and slow. Is there a way via the keyboard? Something simple like PgUp/Dwn keys.
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According to the User Guide (Help menu) > Reference > Keyboard > Shortcuts:
Ctrl + Home
Chart: Scroll to beginning of chart

Ctrl + End
Chart: Scroll to end of chart

Sadly, these are the only supported actions so no gradual movement either way and no plans to introduce one which I'm aware of.
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Any chance to request it in future release? I think this is one of those "low hanging fruit" that everyone will appreciate.
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You're welcome to request Fidelity directly on this one, there's a chance they'd listen to their customer.
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