Not enough cash placing live limit orders
Author: Carloseta
Creation Date: 11/11/2010 10:44 AM
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I'm trying to trade the LDL2 strategy live with my fidelity account. I'm running it against a data set of about 160 stocks. I have it set to buy 25% of the available cash. The timeframe is daily. The strategy is producing 160 limit orders a day. When I try to place the orders with wealth lab I get an error saying there is not enough cash to cover the orders. Fidelity thinks I'm trying to place 160 orders but I'm only wanting to place the first 4 orders that trigger.

I thought it would place the first 4 orders than cancel the rest. Does something need to be written into the script to make this work?
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No. You should use the Quotes tool.. time to crack open the User Guide!

Simply put, after you run the MSB or scan, you need select and send all the orders to the Quotes tool, where the triggers are monitored to place the orders that cross the Trigger Threshold during the day. So, you'll only be placing "marketable" orders... not the ones that have no chance of hitting.
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