Fib Retracement
Author: ivraju
Creation Date: 3/5/2010 2:53 PM
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Right now you select 2 ponits and all the percent retracement lines drwan in between those 2 ponits.

I would like to extend this to draw lines beyond 100% points like 127% or 161%.

Now my question is.

Is this some thing part of welth-lab where I can't make any changes to it other than making request for improvement?

or is this some thing I can make changes to, by inherting what is already there and adding functionality, if so where can I find documentation for this kind of improvements?
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I would like to extend this to draw lines beyond 100% points like 127% or 161%.
Just double click that drawing tool (or right click for Properties), and add the values 127 and 161. (If the new lines aren't within the pane's auto-scale to prices, you'll need to use the SetPaneMinMax method to see them.)

is some thing I can make changes to, by inherting what is already there and adding functionality,
Sure, Wealth-Lab 5 is .NET.

if so where can I find documentation for this kind of improvements?
Here, but some of the APIs aren't available yet. If you're a Fidelity WLP customer (hmmm, your WLD trial expired), then you should call your Fidelity rep to request the API documentation that they have not yet provided.
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Thanks Cone.

So the lines going out of visible pane. I got to see them now.

I did try 64 bit version (that is what expired) but I needed intra day data, so I have to keep using Fidelity provided 32 bit version for now.
If you know of any intra day data providers other than fidelity let me know, so that can get 64 bit and use that provider.

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The "64-bit version" aka Wealth-Lab Developer 5 isn't available to US/Canadian residents. Good news: this Summer, WLP should have true 64-bitness.
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