Do not open new trade until previous one exited?
Author: onetwo
Creation Date: 12/6/2010 2:09 AM
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Hi All,

I would like to run my strategy but i would like to set it as "do not open a new trade until the previous trade finished/exit"

can i configure this kind of setting?

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Sure you can and by default, both rule-based and coded strategies share this design pattern: do not open a new position in the same symbol until the preceding position closes.

If that doesn't help you need to be more specific about what exactly you're trying to accomplish.
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can i set this to any trade even if it's not the same symbol?
for example, let say i am running a strategy on s&p100 i want to set "do not start any trade on any symbol until the last trade finished"?

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This is pretty easy to do w/o having to code with the help of this PosSizer:

Position Options

It makes possible to control the maximum number of open positions across the portfolio - by setting it to 1 in your case. (Note that the PosSizer library where it belongs is made available to registered customers though.)
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