Cannot login to via Safari
Author: ronc
Creation Date: 4/18/2017 2:50 PM
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On MacOS 10.12.4 and Safari 10.1 the Login button does not work. After entering UserID and PW, click Login, nothing happens.
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I´m not having any trouble with MacOS 10.12.3 and Safari version 10.0.3.

Clear cache and try again.
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I cleared Safari history and caches, retried, same result. Disabled WebGL and pop-up blocking, still no change. Can log in via FireFox without issue.
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The Login box is Javascript-based. Double-check that JS is enabled and try to disable any ad blocker plugins you may have.
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Today it works. Mysterious. JS was and is enabled. "Adamant" ad blocker was and is enabled. The only thing different is that today I am on Starbucks/Google WiFi; different network than I was using before.
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